3 min
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Keeping hyperacidity in check with alkaline foods
How to beat and treat obesity
Losing weight healthily: what you need to know
Sugar or sugar substitutes – what is healthier?
Meat substitutes: good for the environment – and your health?
Störungen von Geruch und Geschmack haben viele Ursachen. Seit Corona betrifft es mehr Menschen. Mit diesen Tipps bleibt der Genuss trotzdem erhalten.
2 min
Soll man vor oder nach dem Training essen? Helfen Eiweisse beim Muskelaufbau? Diese Fragen stellen sich viele Sportler – hier sind die Antworten.
PMS: tough days before your period
PCOS: a widespread, largely unexplained disorder in women
Menopause: no more periods
Heart attacks: symptoms in women
Cycle syncing – exercise and diet
Food choices and exercise geared towards your cycle support fitness - and can even help with menstrual cramps and PMS.
10 min
Get rid of calluses: Three home remedies for soft feet
Hit by the stomach flu! What can you do?
Simple remedies for wasp stings – try these for yourself
Home remedy: Say goodbye to a sore throat!
Home remedies for migraines
Earache manifests itself as whistling or buzzing, a feeling of pressure, hearing loss or "classic" pain. Home remedies can often support the healing process.
“A 55-year-old man had been taking blood pressure tables for ten years. Thanks to a change in lifestyle, we can do without it today.”
Dr. med. Stefanie Siegfried, specialist in internal medicine
Focus on dental corrections
Vitamin D deficiency: what you need to know
How relaxation strengthens your immune system
Blood: myths and facts
Twin research: duplicate or one-off?
Chronic stress is harmful for the immune system. How can we strengthen our body’s defences? Often it’s a good idea to simply do less.
5 min
Vitamin D is essential for strong bones and a healthy immune system. Read on to find out who needs how much and whether we need to take supplements.
Asthma: tight chest and shortage of breath
“Decisions are part and parcel of a doctor’s life”
How personal is personalised medicine?
Sunlight and lamps: How to brighten your mood in winter
Osteoporosis: how to support bone health
“1. understand the situation, 2. Analyse the potential for improvement. 3. Let the patient know how they can improve the situation.”
Dr. med. Marc Jungi, specialist in internal medicine
Outpatient procedures are revolutionising medicine. Heart operations without an overnight stay in hospital, for example, are becoming more commonplace.
Heart attacks in men: what you need to know
Erectile dysfunction? Let’s talk about it!
Men’s health: getting to know your prostate
Diagnosed with testicular cancer? What next?
«Mein Herz ist in einem tollen Zustand»
Men of all ages are affected by erection problems, but only a few manage to talk about it openly. That’s why it’s all the more important to be aware of the causes and find the right treatment.
4 min
Measured man: Is the importance of solidarity diminishing?
The body’s warning signs
Preventive care: which check-ups are useful
If you have these symptoms, you need to see a doctor
Prepared for emergencies in old age