6 min
The best diet and nutrition depends on your age and phase of life. What vitamins does a pregnant woman need? How can vegans cover their iron requirements?
5 min
What we eat has a huge impact on our brain health. A balanced diet creates a good foundation, but certain foods are particularly important.
“It’s not just about what we eat, but also about our attitude towards food and how we eat it.”
Gregor Hasler, Psychiatrist and nutrition expert
Be it broccoli, blueberries or walnuts, certain foods can inhibit inflammation in our body. But beware, not every food is a good choice.
There are many reasons why you might lose your sense of smell and taste. These tips will help you enjoy meals nevertheless.
2 min
((Lead)) What ingredients are in the muesli that I eat every morning for breakfast? The Codecheck app answers your questions in an instant.
1 min
“Colonic irrigation, especially with water, can cause an imbalance in the intestine’s regulatory mechanisms.”
Dr. med. Stefanie Siegfried, specialist in internal medicine
Grüne Smoothies sind im Trend. Aber sind sie wirklich so gesund? Ernährungsberaterin Béatrice Chiari ist überzeugt: Die grünen Drinks liefern dem Körper eine geballte Ladung Vitalstoffe.
3 min
Fasting for a specific period of time has an incredible effect on the body. But if you want to give it a go, you have to be prepared. We explain what you need to know.