3 min
“Outpatient procedures are the future”
Outpatient heart surgery: the future of medicine?
Tonsillitis – when swallowing hurts
Herniated disc: causes and treatment
In Switzerland, 1 in 10 children and 1 in 14 adults suffer from asthma, experiencing wheezing, an irritating cough, a tight feeling in the chest and shortness of breath.
7 min
“1. understand the situation, 2. Analyse the potential for improvement. 3. Let the patient know how they can improve the situation.”
Dr. med. Marc Jungi, specialist in internal medicine
Das 1×1 der Ersten Hilfe
Type 2 diabetes: from old age diabetes to common lifestyle disease
Flügel fürs Leben
A fun way to get healthy
“One in two older people who smoke develop COPD.”
Silvia Ulrich, Professor Silvia Ulrich, Head of the Clinic for Pneumology at University Hospital Zurich
Fieber ist unangenehm und manchmal auch gefährlich. Aber in vielen Fällen tut es das, was der Körper braucht: Es aktiviert seine Abwehr.
5 min
How to recognise and handle dementia
50 Jahre Kunstherzforschung
Flu: symptoms, course of illness and treatment
What you need to know about shingles
““It’s not a good idea to get the flu and COVID vaccinations at the same time.””
Dr. Jörg Eimers, Specialist in general medicine (D)
Beset with high costs, staff crises and changing patient requirements, traditional family medicine practices are in flux.
Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen im Überblick
KI in der Medizin: «Der Mensch hat das letzte Wort»
Brain haemorrhage: and suddenly everything changes
Hypertension: what you need to know about high blood pressure
“About one million people in Switzerland suffer from migraine.”
Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Gantenbein
Light improves our mood and is good for our bodies. But exactly how much do we need in order to notice the benefits and what are the effects of a walk in a sea of fog?
4 min
How complementary medicine can supplement traditional medicine
Varicose veins - unfortunately not always harmless
Was tun bei Heuschnupfen?
Long Covid: Ursachen, Symptome und Behandlung
Manche müssen sie täglich schlucken, andere nur gelegentlich. Aber wie nimmt man Pillen richtig ein? Die wichtigsten Antworten.
2 min
“Before they’re approved in the form of a drug, many substances undergo a long journey with many detours, mostly leading to a dead end.”
Jean-Marc C. Häusler
Immunotherapy: help for hay fever
Inkontinenz: Wenn die Blase das Leben bestimmt
Kampf den multiresistenten Keimen
Wenn Kinderhaut beisst und juckt
“As soon as you said hello, you had to have a plan in your head about how to proceed with the patient.”
Hans-Ruedi Räz
Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen der Universitätsklinik für Notfallmedizin des Inselspitals Bern liefert Einblicke in eine komplexe Welt, in der alles sehr schnell gehen muss.
Organ donation in Switzerland: a life-affirming decision
Mensch und Maschine vereint
How personal is personalised medicine?
Standing on your own one foot
In Switzerland alone, around 400,000 people, particularly women, are affected by osteoporosis. How diet and exercise can help.
6 min
“Psoriasis is neither contagious nor an indication of a lack of hygiene. It is simply an inflammation of the skin.”
Prof. Wolf-Henning Boehncke Chief consultant dermatology
Best ways to battle irritable bowel syndrome
Finally able to stand and walk again
Schädel-Hirn-Trauma: ein Schlag mit weitreichenden Folgen
A stroke changes everything
Das Ohr ist das Tor zur Klangwelt. Schwerhörigkeit hat deshalb nicht nur psychische, sondern auch gesellschaftliche Folgen.
“It is important to inform patients about the pros and cons of their options and jointly agree on the best course of action.”
Marc Jungi managing director of Sanacare and head of medicine
Home remedies: relief for sore gums
What is spinal muscular atrophy?
Trends in hospital planning
«Ich habe meiner Freundin eine Niere gespendet»
If you’re feeling better after you’ve had the coronavirus, should you get back to training at full intensity straight away? Doctors advise: Definitely not.
“But anyone who hears music or voices suffers from hallucinations. That’s different.”
Prof. Dr. med. Tobias Kleinjung
In den Notfall? Oft sind Sie woanders besser aufgehoben
Das Wissen über Erbkrankheiten: Segen oder Fluch?
Warum Haustierbisse so gefährlich sein können
How good are generics really?
Antibiotics work quickly and efficiently. What you need to know to make sure they have their full effect.
1 min
“Just try carrying 12 kilos on your head, that's a lot of weight.”
Raymond Denzler
It’s not uncommon these days for patients to seek a second medical opinion, and they are fully entitled to do so. However, for all the times a second opinion provides clarity, there are some cases where it can also cause confusion.