«Mein Herz ist in einem tollen Zustand»
Der Moderator und Komiker René Rindlisbacher, erzählt, wie seine Herzprobleme und ein Infarkt im Alter von 20 Jahren sein Leben veränderten.

You suffer from a congenital heart defect, had a heart attack as a 20-year-old and in 2011 a hole was discovered in your heart during a routine check-up... How are things today?
My heart is doing very well. The surgery seven years ago for the hole in my heart was a short outpatient story. I was even able to watch. As I get older, the high level of stress I had as a teenager also decreases greatly. I am symptom-free.
Did you never have any problems in everyday life or with sport until the heart attack?
No, never at all. And even after the heart attack, my intense sporting life continued. I couldn't be without athletics, football or other sporting activities. The whole week I could be found somewhere doing sport.
How did the heart problems and the heart attack affect your life - did you have to turn everything upside down?
I had the heart problems from birth and I still believe that it was good for me to do intensive sport and exercise so much, despite the fact that I was forbidden to do so by my doctor at the time. The heart attack slowed me down a bit, but only mentally. After a short time, I started training again and am still glad I did.
Did "being a comedian" help you to get fit again, or was it also difficult to be funny?
My job as a comedian always gave me an incredible amount. I was already the class clown at school, and entertaining my colleagues was also part of my job in the office or on the building site. My illnesses never put a damper on my invoice. I always knew that humor had to be an important "component" of every person. Especially for me. Humor was never a means to an end for me, but my deepest inner attitude.
“I always knew that humor had to be an important 'component' of every person. Especially for me.”
What sports do you do today, what does your training and exercise plan look like?
Unfortunately, I don't do much anymore because of my knee and shoulder injuries. Now it's really just exercise and has very little to do with sport. Skiing is good for me, though, and I get a lot out of it because it's fun as well as exercise.
Do you have to give up certain sports that you used to do?
At 55, you no longer do the sports you used to do anyway. My injuries no longer allow this. But that has nothing to do with my heart - it's still in great condition. My resting heart rate is just under 50 and everything is in the greenest range.