Feed your muscles
Myths abound about sport and diet. What’s true and what’s not? Find out more here.

Myth 1: Taking magnesium prevents muscle cramping
No. There is no scientific evidence that taking magnesium prevents muscle cramping. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that magnesium may be effective against cramping – there are currently no good studies on the subject. For sports nutrition expert Samuel Mettler, the popular belief that magnesium helps against muscle cramping is hard to understand. According to the Swiss Society for Nutrition (SGE), a balanced diet with the right amount of fluids provides a good basis against cramping. Depending on how much you sweat, you will need upwards of 2 litres.
Myth 2: Eating before training provides energy
True. It’s generally a good idea to eat before training. The best solution is to eat a balanced meal five hours before doing sport. Around 30 to 60 minutes before starting you can eat a small snack such as a banana or have a sports drink. Anyone who has eaten before exercising delivers a better performance and can compete better physically and mentally. When training for longer than one or two hours, eating these foods during the training session can enhance and prolong your performance. Eating after training helps the body recover and provides nutrients. Each person has to experiment with portion sizes, tolerance and nutrients to find out what suits them best. There’s no right or wrong.
Myth 3: Special protein bars or shakes are needed to build muscle
No. Eating a healthy, balanced diet and sufficient amounts of protein in combination with (weight) training and sufficient recovery times can have a positive effect on muscle mass. You can generally get protein from normal foods such as dairy products, a ham or cheese sandwich, tofu, quorn or a lentil salad. The benefit of animal proteins is that they tend to promote muscle build-up more effectively than plant-based proteins. However, so far there has been insufficient scientific research into plant-based proteins to make a sound assessment. Protein bars or shakes are convenient for sportspeople because they can be consumed quickly on the move. Vegetarian and vegan protein bars and shakes are now also available containing plant-based proteins.
Stéphanie Hochstrasser
Head of Nutrinfo and Media Service, BSc BFH dietician SVDE, Swiss Society for Nutrition (SGE)
Sabine Oberrauch
Research assistant and consultant, MSc ZHAW dietician, Swiss Society for Nutrition (SGE)
Dr. Samuel Mettler
Nutritional scientist and sports nutrition lecturer at ETH Zurich and Bern University of Applied Sciences.