1 min
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Multi-generation house: Never lonely
Toxic friends and how to handle them
Why people lie
10 tips for moving to Switzerland
Im Pflegeheim: Gut aufgehoben statt abgeschoben
She’s autistic, he isn’t. How does a relationship work when two people experience the world so differently?
5 min
One in three people over 65 feels lonely. This feeling often increases with age. What are the consequences of loneliness and what steps can lonely older people and their relatives take to combat it?
4 min
Baby’s development: Months 5 and 6
Baby's skin: protection from the sun
Tips for everyday life with babies
Is my baby developing normally?
Baby’s development: Months 3 and 4 Month
Time flies! Babies develop at a rapid pace and are constantly learning new things. What happens in months 5 and 6?
3 min
“Boredom occurs again and again until adolescence - but the extent is very individual.”
Simon Grunauer
Digital media - the dangerous temptation
Leben in Überversicherung oder Unterdeckung?
New media: parents as role models
Influencer: Idol oder Manipulator?
Influencer im Gesundheitsbereich
Celebrities and athletes are leading the way: eating vegan is hip. But is veganism also healthy? What do you need to know if you give up meat and dairy products?
What are today’s teenagers and young adults concerned about when it comes to their sexuality? We asked an expert.
Social freezing: when your plans for a family are put on ice
Trying for a baby: myths and facts
Does sport impair fertility?
Diagnosis: infertile
Bin ich bereit für ein Kind?
When thoughts turn to falling pregnant, the focus is usually on the woman. But how can prospective dads help?
2 min
A woman’s ‘fertile window’ is short, If you want to get pregnant, you should therefore get to know your own cycle better.
Travelling during pregnancy
Pregnancy-related complaints: 2nd trimester
Braxton Hicks and false labour: preparing for the birth
Where should I give birth?
Important preparation for the birth
Breastfeeding is practical, because you always have the perfect food for your baby wherever you are. Here are some tips on how to make breastfeeding easier from the start.
“A baby comes nine months and a baby goes nine months.”
Katharina Gundermann, Personal trainer for women
Asexuality: a happy life without sex
Vasectomy: voluntary sterilisation
Safer sex? Yes please!
Sex addiction: when sex becomes a problem
What method of contraception is best for me?
Have you heard of the human papillomavirus, or HPV for short? Although eight out of ten people have HPV at some point in their lives, many people haven’t heard of the infection.
Having a vasectomy is the most effective form of birth control. There’s no need to be scared of the procedure,
6 min