3 min
Bye bye Hotel Mum – hello shared flat
Pack smarter, travel better
Digital media - the dangerous temptation
Old-age provisions for young people
““There is a lot of unawareness and uncertainty. Not only among adolescents.””
Annette Bischof-Campbell, Managing Director Lilli.ch
Suddenly they’re there: pimples, moustache fuzz or breasts – puberty has arrived! But it's not just the body that changes. New feelings also upset life.
7 min
Small budget: tips for cheap trips
Basic military training: Be prepared when you report for duty
Influencer im Gesundheitsbereich
Influencer: Idol oder Manipulator?
Sind wir hierzulande grundsätzlich überversichert? Oder gaukelt uns unser Wohlstand eine trügerische Sicherheit vor? Tipps rund um den optimalen Versicherungsschutz.
4 min
““Media literacy starts with media abstinence””
Prof. Dr. Christoph Möller