Am I ready for a child?

There’s not really a right or wrong time to have a baby. If you're unsure if it’s the right time, you may want to consider the following questions.

Text: Sanitas

Images: Unsplash

1 min


A child turns life upside down - that's a fact. If you would like to have a child but are unsure whether the time is right, ask yourself the following questions. And answer them honestly.

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Planning a Family: 7 questions about the right time


Am I prepared to reorganise my life and put my personal wishes on hold for the time being?


How much time do I have to fall pregnant? It may not be a question you want to address, but the biological facts mean you have to: on average, women up to the age of 35 have the best chances of falling pregnant. Older women can, of course, still conceive, but the probability of fertilisation in any given cycle falls sharply.


Can I combine work and family life? If you’d like to have a professional career as well as being a mother, it’s a good idea to wait with starting a family until you’ve finished your education and gathered initial work experience.


Is our relationship stable? Is my partner ready for all the far-reaching changes that a child will bring? Do we agree on the fundamental aspects of parenting?


Do we have enough money for a child? If you’re short of money, there's a range of benefits and support you may be eligible for. For example, you can request a reduction on your health insurance premiums. Here you will find the points of contact for all cantons. In addition, twelve Swiss cantons offer supplementary benefits for families under certain conditions, such as infant and integration allowances.


Is your apartment big enough? Do you have the opportunity to furnish your home in a child-friendly way? Is the area where we live suitable for children?


Can you count on support from friends and family? Do you have access to parents, siblings or friends in case of emergencies or difficult times? The Mother's Aid Foundation is a point of contact in times of need. It's there for expectant mothers, fathers and their partners in cases of psychological or financial need.

It’s never easy to decide whether the time is right to have a baby. But don’t worry – it’s normal to have mixed feelings. The important thing is that you look forward to welcoming your baby into the world. This way you’ll be able to tackle any challenges that arise, no matter how much your baby turns your world upside down.

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