Was tun bei Schwangerschaftsübelkeit?

Übelkeit und Brechreiz trüben die Vorfreude vieler werdenden Mütter. Wie lange dauert die sogenannte Schwangerschaftsübelkeit und welche Hausmittel helfen?

Text: Sanitas

Images: Unsplash

1 min


When the stomach is in a state of emergency: A good three quarters of all women feel nauseous during pregnancy and many vomit. What exactly triggers the nausea is not fully understood.

It is assumed that the pregnancy hormone HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is partly responsible for morning sickness - which occurs not only in the morning, but also during the day and in the evening. While mild nausea is normal, a few pregnant women suffer from very severe symptoms (hyperemesis gravidarum).

Anyone who vomits several times a day over a longer period of time should consult a doctor.

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When does morning sickness occur?

How severe the symptoms are and how long they last varies from woman to woman. Most of them will be able to do it from the 6th grade. The quality of life becomes increasingly poor during the second week of pregnancy. The good news is that After the first 12 to 16 weeks, the spook is usually over, because then the pregnancy hormones drop again. Morning sickness is therefore typical of the first trimester.


Home remedies against morning sickness

  • Eat five to six smaller meals throughout the day.
  • Don’t force yourself to eat anything you don’t want. Eat only foods that taste good. However, you should try to avoid greasy, very spicy, acidic or fried food.
  • Eating a snack before getting up can help prevent morning sickness: Have nibbles like rusks, dry biscuits, crackers ready on your bedside table and eat a little bit right after you wake up. Then it’s best to stay in bed for another 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Drink plenty of water or unsweetened tea throughout the day.
  • Ginger can help calm your stomach. Ginger tea or ginger tablets are a tried and tested remedy against nausea.
  • Studies have proven that vitamin B6 helps ease morning sickness. Talk to your doctor to see whether you should take it.
  • Acupressure bands, which are worn on the wrist, also work against all kinds of nausea.
  • Alternative therapies such as aromatherapy with essential oils, homeopathy or traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) can also help. Talk to a qualified therapist with experience in treating pregnant women.
  • Stress and tiredness can exacerbate morning sickness, so take time to relax.
  • If you suffer from severe morning sickness that seriously affects your everyday life, you should contact your gynaecologist for advice. You may need medication to ensure that your body doesn’t dehydrate and suffer from nutrient deficiency due to the frequent vomiting.    
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