«Zeitmangel war mein Stressfaktor»

Beruf und Familie sind für Frauen heute gut vereinbar: Diesen Anspruch an sich hatte auch Sibylle Stillhart – und scheiterte an ihm.

Text: Helwi Braunmiller, Julie Freudiger

Images: Kostas Maros

2 min


The days trying to juggle work and my children were hectic and stressful. My husband and I were woken up by our young sons up to four times a night. In the morning, I made breakfast, got the kids dressed, and then rushed to nursery, where I often left the boys in tears because they didn’t want to go. Arriving sweaty and stressed at the office, I was usually the last one there. To compensate, I worked through my lunch break until I had to hotfoot it back to nursery to pick up the boys. Then I had to find time to do a quick shop, cook the evening meal, put the kids to bed, clear up, do the washing, etc. And this was repeated day after day, night after night.

“My needs seemed to count for nothing.”

Sibylle Stillhart

I didn’t have a minute to myself and was far too exhausted to do anything that might have done me good. Of course, my husband helped where he could and even reduced his workload to 85%. However, as he lost a lot of time commuting to another city for work, most of the housework was still left to me. In my life plan, I’d forgotten to account for the fact that that for all their love, children are also an incredible amount of work and there is much more to do around the house than before. Added to this, I was torn between the expectations of my employer and the needs of my sons – my needs no longer seemed relevant at all.

When I told my gynaecologist that I was exhausted, she nodded knowingly and recommended that I quit my job. I was a bit taken aback. I couldn’t imagine myself as a housewife. I’m a perfectly capable human being! But why else am I so tired? Until then I simply hadn’t dared question the compatibility of work and family life. What’s more, people believe that the longer you sit at your work station, the better you work. And mums just don’t have this luxury.

“Today I can take time to recharge my batteries.”

Sibylle Stillhart
Sanitas Kundenvorteile

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Zum Guide

I couldn’t stop thinking about my doctor’s advice. As I became even unhappier at work under my new boss, I decided to quit. It helped enormously. Today I work as a freelance journalist and have just published my second book. Working at home is sometimes lonely and we’ve had to tighten our belts, but I no longer have to deal with the energy-sapping competition that prevails at many workplaces. And now I work with people who appreciate what I do.

I still often feel exhausted these days, but I have much greater flexibility. I can take time to recharge my batteries. Two to three hours a week is usually enough. I have time to go swimming again, do yoga or meet a friend for lunch. And we’ve had an addition to our family! I’d always dreamt of having a third child, but it would have been unimaginable before – I simply couldn’t have managed it.”

The interviewee

Sibylle Stillhart, 45, is a freelance journalist, author and mother to three boys. She lives in Bern, and tries to take time out now and again.

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