Mehr Kraft, mehr Leistung

Laufsportler sollten neben dem Ausdauertraining auch gezielt ihren Bewegungsapparat durch Kraftgymnastik stärken.

Text: Sanitas

Images: Sebastian Doerk

1 min


“It’s important that both are fit on completing the training and haven’t sustained any injuries,” stresses coach and marathon legend Viktor Röthlin. “This means their musculoskeletal system must be able to handle the increased burden.” This is why various exercises to improve flexibility, strength, coordination and speed have been incorporated into their training programme. They also regularly receive strength training ‘homework’ from Viktor Röthlin. Here’s a littler taster of the exercises our candidates are doing for you to try at home:

Sanitas Kundenvorteile

Gemeinsam mit unseren Partnerinnen und Partnern unterstützen wir Sie mit zahlreichen Spezialangeboten dabei, gesund zu bleiben oder schnell wieder gesund zu werden. Das lohnt sich für Sie – auch finanziell. 

Zu den Angeboten


Lie on your stomach, with your arms and legs stretched out. Lift your arms and legs off the floor, then raise and lower one arm and the opposing leg, repeat with the opposite side. Make sure to point your toes, have the palms of your hands facing each other and your nose facing the ground.


Pull in your belly button and keep your shoulder blades down. Bend over, placing your hands on the floor and walk your hands forward to the push-up position. Walk your hands back towards your feet. Repeat.

Sumo squats

Stand with your legs wide apart, with your feet turned out at 45 degree angle. Slowly squat down as far as possible whilst tensing your tummy and keeping your back straight. You should always be able to see the tips of your toes while doing this exercise.


Front plank: lie on your stomach with your lower arms on the floor and legs stretched out. Lift your entire body off the floor until your legs, pelvis and back are in a straight line. Hold this position for as long as you can.

Side plank: lie on your side with your legs straight, place one hand flat on the floor under your shoulder and position your feet sideways on the floor. Lift your pelvis until your legs, pelvis and neck are in line. Hold this position for as long as you can. 

Reverse lunge

Reverse lunges also test your balance. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, with your hands on your hips. Keeping your upper body straight, lunge backwards with your left leg, repeat with your right. Lower your back knee towards the floor. Your front knee should bend to a maximum of 90 degrees, with your knees and ankles perpendicular.

Sock grab

Take your socks off. Pick them up with your toes, hold them in the air and then place them back on the floor. Repeat.

Sanitas Zusatzversicherung Vital

Körperliche und mentale Fitness stärken? Wohlbefinden und Prävention unterstützen? Mit der ambulanten Zusatzversicherung Vital wird Gesundheitsvorsorge neu definiert – individuell und einfach. Genau so, wie es zu Ihrem Leben und Budget passt. Idealer geht’s nicht.

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