Mindfulness training: Living in the now

How can we reduce stress and live a happy and peaceful life? With meditation and mindfulness, mindfulness trainer Angelika von der Assen is convinced.

Text: Julie Freudiger & Isabelle Fretz

Images: Kostas Maros & iStock

5 min



There are many sources of stress in everyday life: demanding bosses, endless appointments, conflict at home, to name but a few. More and more people are being pushed to their limits. According to the Job Stress Index of Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz, a third of employees feel stressed and emotionally exhausted. Luckily, there are ways and means of counteracting the stress – for example through meditation and mindfulness training.

What is mindfulness?

It’s a pretty straightforward word. It suggests that the mind is fully attending to what’s happening, to what you’re doing, to the space you’re moving through.

Mindfulness training is about being aware of your thoughts and feelings. Angelika von der Assen says that the shortest definition of mindfulness is “being conscious”. To be aware of what’s happening here and now. In other words, mindfulness is a form of meditation.

A good ten years ago, scientists were able to use magnetic resonance imaging to show that the brain can be changed permanently through regular meditation. Current research indicates that mindfulness must be practised for 21 consecutive days for at least ten minutes at a time in order for it to be effective.

Manage stress with mindfulness

We simply want too much: a fantastic job, attractiveness, an unforgettable holiday. It’s practically impossible to achieve all of this. Von der Assen calls this addiction to action the “doing mode”. But the primary cause of stress is in our head. Externally, there is actually no stress: how you react to a situation depends on your mindset. You are either ruled by your own thoughts, feelings and beliefs, or you consciously decide how to react.

  • Less action – more balance

    The problem is many people don’t know how their brain works. They don’t know where the thoughts that put them under pressure and rob them of sleep come from. To find out, we need to pause and observe our thoughts and breathing. And that’s where mindfulness training comes in.

  • More mindfulness = less stress

    Assen believes that mindfulness strengthens resilience. “Even if chaos reigns around me, I know that I’m able to remain calm inside, for example by reminding myself that it’s merely a fleeting moment in time. and the crisis will be over at some point.” Meditation also helps us handle strong emotions, to let them in and accept them. The third step is to take a more positive outlook on life.

  • Use meditation to overcome daily stress

    Meditation helps us be aware of our thoughts and to control them. Some 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts fly through our heads on a daily basis. Von der Assen explains: “Our brains are buzzing, and we simply surrender to our thoughts and let ourselves function on auto-pilot. If we’re better able to understand how our mind works, then we will no longer be at the mercy of our thoughts.”

  • Escape unconscious automatisms

    Angelika von der Assen recommends taking a “sacred break” to break through automatisms. “Anything is possible during the time between a stimulus and my reaction. When I realise what’s happening, I can make a conscious decision. This is being mindful.”

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Learning mindfulness

It may sound simple, but it’s not always easy to put it into practice. The same response patterns often reoccur and we react without thinking. But the good news is that we can learn to be mindful.

Daily mindfulness exercises

From conscious breathing and sitting quietly to walking meditation: there are many exercises that are easy to do at home, on the move or at work. It is important to take the time and focus on your thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and the world around you.

  • Breathing properly

    Our breathing is a powerful tool for dealing with stress. Angelika von der Assen recommends: “Take three deep breaths when you switch from one activity to another. This relaxes you and enables you to think clearly again.” You have to acknowledge the stimulus – pause – make a conscious decision. When you concentrate on your breathing, you automatically take a break and can then make a conscious decision.

  • Integrated meditation

    Meditation supports mental training. Von der Assen explains that there are also many integrated meditations. For example, focus completely on doing the dishes – as if you were concentrating on your breathing. Or focus on brushing your teeth, listen attentively to others, write emails attentively. “Do everyday things as if you were doing them for the first time. It’s about observing and getting to know your own mind,” says von der Assen.

  • Walking meditation

    Walking your way to relaxation. Walking meditation isn’t just walking. It’s about being aware of the sequence of movements: feel how one foot lifts from the floor and moves forward. How it touches down on the ground again – with the heel first. How your body weight then shifts to your front leg when you lift your back heel and the toes of the other foot touch the ground.

  • The 5-4-3-2-1 method

    The 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 method, developed by psychotherapist Yvonne Dolan, uses the five senses to ground you in the present moment. Get into a comfortable position and focus calmly on a point in the room. Take a few deep breaths in and out.

    • Name – out loud or in your head – five things that you can see at this moment. For example, a table, a TV, a vase and so on.
    • Then name five things you can hear. Perhaps tweeting birds, children laughing outside or a car driving passed.
    • Then name five things you can feel. For example, the pullover on your skin, the soft carpet that tickles your feet or the sofa you’re sitting on.

    Repeat the exercise with four things you can see, hear and feel. Then three things, then two things. At the end, name one thing that you can see, hear and feel.

  • Practice makes perfect

    “It’s impossible to switch off stressful thoughts, but we can be conscious of them,” says von der Assen. “Even when we meditate, we’re never safe from a flood of thoughts. In fact, they’re part of the training.”

    During stressful situations, it is important to focus on your breathing and accept the thought without judgement. Then switch back consciously to breathing. This technique can be applied in everyday working life, too. “If I receive a text message when I’m writing an email, I’m aware of the distraction and make a conscious decision to continue writing the email.”   

Practising mindfulness meditation

Pause, take a break, breathe, observe the body and be present: exercises that help to reduce stress can be that simple. Angelika von der Assen describes five of her mindfulness meditation exercises.

To the mindfulness meditation exercises.

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