Leaving home: a checklist

Leaving home and moving into your own four walls is the start of a new phase of life. To make sure the move runs smoothly,

Text: Julie Freudiger

Images: Jorge Saavedra / Unsplash

2 min


Great! You’ve found an apartment or a place in a shared flat. No doubt you’re looking forward to it, because moving into your first flat is a formative experience and means a lot more freedom. But first there’s work to be done. There’s a lot to think about when moving house. And it’s not just about packing, sorting and moving. What else needs to be done?

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Before moving

  • Deregistration: Deregister from your old municipality.
  • Change of address: It’s not only friends and family who need to know your new address. You also need to inform the following institutions: health insurance, other insurances, bank, credit card provider, military district command/civil defence, post office, employer, university/school, road traffic authority. Don’t forget to observe the official deadlines.
  • Electricity: Notify the electricity company in good time when you’re moving into your new home so the metre can be read correctly.
  • Internet and TV: Sign up with an Internet provider in good time if you want to relax with a movie after moving day. By the way: You should also register with the collection agency for radio and television (Serafe).
  • Check rental agreement: Before actually signing the rental agreement, check that everything you’ve discussed has been set down in writing. If you’re moving into or setting up a shared flat, insist on a subtenancy agreement This formality can save friendships – as well as money and wear and tear on your nerves.
  • Household contents insurance: After moving out, you have to take out your own household contents insurance so that your belongings are insured for damage caused by fire, water or theft.
  • Moving helpers: Ask friends and family in good time so that you have enough helpers on moving day. And: Organize one or more vehicles.
  • Reserve a parking space: If possible, reserve a parking space in front of your old home and the new flat for the day of the move.
  • Clear out: Use this opportunity to sort through your belongings and get rid of anything you don’t need. Take unwanted items to a second-hand shop or sell them at a flea market or on an online platform and use the proceeds to buy new furniture.
  • Moving boxes: You can maybe borrow boxes and packaging material from friends or neighbours. Or you can rent or buy them. A cardboard moving box costs between 2 and 4 francs.
  • Light: Pack one or two light bulbs and an extension cable at the top of your bag so that you are not left in the dark in your new place. By the way: Ideally, a roll of toilet paper should also be to hand.
  • Flat or room hand-over: Before you move in, the landlord will officially hand over the flat to you. All existing faults will be recorded in a handover inventory. Make sure that no defects are forgotten, otherwise you may be charged for these when you move out. It’s also worth noting down existing faults when you move into a room in a shared flat.

During and after moving

  • Snacks: Provide drinks and snacks for your helpers.
  • Light: The first thing to do is fit the bulbs you have ready or fit the lamps while it’s still light.
  • Registration: Register with your new municipality of residence within the formal deadline. Otherwise you may face a fine.
  • Damage: If you subsequently discover damage to the flat that wasn’t recorded in the handover inventory, report it to the landlord.
  • Introductions: Introduce yourself to the neighbours in the house during the first few days. This makes for good neighbourly relations – and perhaps you’ll be glad of it later on when a neighbour can help you out with milk or sugar that you’ve forgotten to buy.
  • Flat-warming party: Inform your neighbours if you’re having a party – and why not invite them along?
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