Was tun bei Heuschnupfen?

Der Frühling ist da! Wenn Sie an einer Pollenallergie leiden, haben Sie dies wahrscheinlich schon vor Wochen bemerkt: Die Nase fliesst, die Augen tränen und jucken, Niesattacken schütteln den ganzen Körper durch. Doch was hilft gegen den lästigen Heuschnupfen? Unser Partner Medgate gibt Ihnen hilfreiche Tipps.

Text: Sanitas

Images: Caroline Hernandez / Unsplash

1 min


How to treat hay fever

Nasal sprays, tablets or drops can help to relieve the symptoms: seek advice from a doctor. You’ll need a little more patience if you want to treat the source of the problem. Immunotherapy is conducted over a long period of time, but the symptoms are dramatically reduced and may even disappear entirely. If a pollen allergy is left untreated for a long time, it can develop into allergic asthma, so it’s certainly worth discussing your treatment options with a doctor.

Further useful information and tips can be found on the aha! website. Allergikerzentrum Schweiz.

Simple but effective tips

  • Always pay close attention to pollen forecasts and the Swiss pollen season.
    If pollen levels are high, avoid going outdoors or only stay a short time in the fresh air.
  • Only open windows briefly.
  • Don’t dry laundry outdoors.
  • Shut bedroom windows during the day. Have a shower and wash your hair before going to bed. Change your bedding regularly. Don’t remove or store clothes you’ve worn during the day in your bedroom.
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