Definition of the individual premium supplement

The individual premium supplement is a percentage surcharge on the basic monthly premium of a supplementary insurance. It makes it possible to include existing illnesses and consequences of accidents in the contract.

Sanitas aims to offer all its customers the most comprehensive insurance cover possible. The individual premium supplement is the first of its kind in Switzerland and only available with Sanitas.

Which supplementary insurance plans can I take out with an individual premium supplement?

All hospital insurance plans as well as the Vital, Medical Private, Easy and Capital plans and the insurance plans in the Sanitas Corporate Private Care product line.


What is the difference between an individual premium supplement and a restriction?

An individual premium supplement guarantees full insurance cover for pre-existing conditions and consequences of accidents. You pay a slightly higher premium in return. A restriction excludes certain insurance benefits and thus reduces the insurance cover without affecting the premium.

I have been rejected for supplementary insurance in the past. Will Sanitas accept my application with an individual premium supplement?

You are welcome to apply for supplementary insurance with Sanitas. However, it is not possible to make a general statement as to whether your application will be accepted or not. Nor can we estimate in advance whether you will receive an individual premium supplement or a restriction or whether you will be rejected outright.