Leben in Überversicherung oder Unterdeckung?

Sind wir hierzulande grundsätzlich überversichert? Oder gaukelt uns unser Wohlstand eine trügerische Sicherheit vor? Tipps rund um den optimalen Versicherungsschutz.

Text: Philippe Hauenstein

Images: Sanitas

4 min


Life today is expensive. Most of us work hard for our monthly wage. If you haven’t got money to burn, it makes sense to safeguard your hard-earned wealth and earning capacity and protect yourself against unexpectedly high costs. This is done through insurance or other financial instruments. 

Not all insurances are mandatory

People who live in Switzerland are required to have basic health insurance. And motor vehicle insurance is compulsory for anyone who owns and drives a car or motorbike.
All other insurance plans are voluntary. Some include important cover, such as personal liability insurance, income protection or repatriation from abroad. 

Health insurance: people-focused

Insurance is essentially all about safeguarding people and their interests, so it follows that protection against accidents and illnesses at home and abroad is one of the most important factors – both for you and your loved ones. Of course, health insurance doesn’t stop you getting sick, but high-quality basic and supplementary insurance policies help you stay fit and healthy (exercise, fitness) and offer protection against high costs that you would otherwise have to pay in the event of illness. Supplementary insurance plans provide financial security when benefits are not covered or only partially covered by basic insurance (e.g. transport by ambulance). 

What happens to your personal income in the event of illness or disability? Safeguarding your earning capacity is vital in the interests of you and your family. Did you know that 25% of the people who draw a disability pension (IV) today do so as a result of an accident in their youth? It is important to make provisions while you are still a child so that you are entitled to more than the maximum disability pension of CHF 2,390 paid to an adult.

If you are employed, this is covered by your employer. However, you need to find your own solution if you want to take a break while having a family, working part-time or taking time out for a sabbatical or an exchange year. 

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Mehr erfahren

Insurance in different phases of life

Does your insurance coverage reflect the changes in your life? It is a good idea to review your insurance regularly and take out the best insurance cover to suit specific life phases. You’d

  • Travel insurance and cover abroad

    Most people like to travel. The more often or the longer you’re abroad, the more likely you are to experience a medical incident at some point. You need to consider the following factors: medical procedures, medical expenses and repatriation of persons worldwide, motor vehicle repatriation throughout Europe, cancellation costs and luggage coverage. You have to decide which options you want. Depending on the offer, you can include these via health, property and travel insurance, but also via motor vehicle assistance or Rega patronage. However, the list shows that double cover and overlaps with existing insurance cover are very likely.

    By the way: Most credit cards also include certain insurance cover if more than 50 percent of the booking costs are paid by credit card. So be careful: before you take out additional insurance for a trip or a rental car, it's worth checking your existing cover.

  • Insurance for motor vehicles and e-bikes

    It’s become easier to compare motor vehicle insurance solutions in recent years. The differences in price and scope of services are low or depend on individual factors relating to use of the vehicle. 
    With leasing, the vehicle owner is obliged to take out more expensive insurance cover. When you buy a car, you can decide for yourself which insurance you want. The newer a car, the more important it is to have fully comprehensive and parked damage coverage. As the vehicle ages, you can switch to less expensive coverage and save money. 

    Probably the most important coverage to include is gross negligence because the costs of an accident caused by a momentary lapse in concentration can quickly spiral out of hand. Including gross negligence won’t get you out of trouble with the police, but the insurance won’t take recourse against the driver. 

    If you regularly have passengers in your car, you should consider taking out passenger protection. If persons outside your household drive the vehicle, you can also take out a third-party driver supplement.

    E-bikes have been booming in recent years, thus increasing the risk of cycling accidents. If you own an e-bike or are planning on buying one, you should consider getting appropriate cover.

  • Legal protection insurance in peace time

    Switzerland has a population of just under 9 million. With so many people, conflict is inevitable – be it on the road, in the home or at work. You don’t have to be the claimant to benefit from legal expenses insurance. A defendant who has to settle a dispute in court is required to pay the legal and procedural costs in advance. And if you think you’ll need to make use of motor legal protection or legal insurance for patients, it’s worth checking beforehand whether you also need legal expenses insurance. 

  • Insurance for your first flat or a shared flat

    Finally, you’re standing on your own two feet! But living at home with your parents is the best place to save money. Apart from health insurance, young adults who’ve come of age don’t need any property insurance as long as they live in their parents’ home. Once you move out – be it into your own home or a shared flat – the costs increase. In your own flat, it’s certainly a good idea to have personal liability insurance and household contents insurance. Even young people often manage to build up considerable property and assets that need to be protected. Did you know that the value of household contents in Switzerland increases on average by CHF 6,000 to CHF 12,000 per year? Choosing the right insured sum ensures you don’t get a nasty surprise in the event of damage or theft. With personal liability insurance, it’s worth including gross negligence. 

    If you live in a shared flat, it’s worth getting insurance tailored to this form of communal living. This reduces the costs and comes in handy if your flatmates change frequently. 

  • Insurance for high-risk sports and horse-riding

    Exercise is important for your physical and mental well-being, but few people know that sports such as paragliding, mountain biking, mountaineering, scuba diving and free-riding are considered high-risk sports. People who do sports like these are strongly advised to get the appropriate cover for healthcare and income protection and to include gross negligence in their liability insurance. And anyone who goes horse-riding should make sure that the addition “Riding horses owned by third parties” is activated in their liability insurance. 

  • Early starters in retirement planning

    Young people don’t tend to give much thought to old-age provisions. But the more time you spend saving, the higher the sum you can achieve. When you retire, your AHV contributions and pension fund only cover 50% to 60% of your final income. Therefore, if you want to maintain your current standard of living, you have to start your personal pension planning early. The most important thing is to be consistent with your saving. Check out the bank and insurance solutions available on the market for retirement planning. These kinds of solutions are attractive in combination with the 3a pillar because they enable you to reduce your annual tax bill. Bank or insurance solutions can also offer further advantages depending on your current life situation. 

Benefit: comprehensive advice

be astonished if your family doctor or a dentist were to treat just one part of your body or a single tooth, wouldn’t you? All body parts have to work in harmony for good overall health. It’s no different with your insurance plans and finances. To avoid overlaps or gaps, it’s worth asking a professional to evaluate your overall level of cover.

There’s nothing wrong with taking out insurance on your own, but it doesn’t hurt to have the support of an accredited financial and insurance advisor. Sanitas insurance advisors are specially trained to conduct a 360° review of your insurance and financial situation. They can optimise your cover to ensure that your insurance plans and finances are tailored to the particular phase of your life. 

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