Packing your hospital bag

Your due date cannot be planned to the day, so it’s best to pack your bag for the hospital a few weeks beforehand.

Text: 24.01.2020

Images: Unsplash

1 min


It’s good to be prepared. But don’t worry if you forget something, because you’ll usually find all the essentials at the hospital, or your partner or family can bring anything you’ve forgotten. So don’t pack too much.

Clothes for you

  • Comfortable t-shirts to wear after the birth
  • A big t-shirt that you don’t mind getting dirty during the birth
  • Light jumpers
  • Jogging trousers
  • Underwear
  • Clothes for going home (clothes you wore while 6 months pregnant usually fit)

Breastfeeding bras

Soft bras or breastfeeding bras that don’t pinch. The bras shouldn’t have underwire.

Ear plugs

To help you sleep for a few hours after the birth. In hospital, the midwives and nurses will look after your baby while you sleep.

Skin and body care products

Take everything that you’d pack for a weekend away.

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We care about your health. Together with our partners, we support you with numerous special offers to help you stay healthy or get healthy again quickly. This also has financial benefits for you. 

To the offers


  • Married mothers: ID, family record document
  • Unmarried mothers: ID, acknowledgement of paternity if available, confirmation of residence
  • Foreign nationals: Copy of passport, family record document, residence permit, confirmation of residence

Slippers or warm socks

Warm feet help you relax


If you wear contact lenses, don’t forget to take your glasses, contact lens solution and contact lens case.

Smartphone and camera

For the first baby photos and to let family and friends know that mum and baby are doing well. And don’t forget your charger.

Clothes for baby on the way home

  • Babygro
  • Hat
  • Baby body
  • Socks
  • Possibly gloves in winter
  • Tights
  • Baby blanket
  • Baby carrier, pram or car seat

Many hospitals offer the services of a professional photographer to take pictures of your new baby. If you want to use this service, pack an outfit for your baby that you really like.  

Tips for returning home

  • Buy supplies

    If you stock up on non-perishable foods and toiletries before going into hospital, your first few days back at home will be more relaxed.

  • Prepare meals in advance

    In the first few days at home with a new baby, there’s not much time for cooking. It’s a good idea to cook and freeze a few portions so you can enjoy your time with your newborn without the hassle of cooking.

  • Get food delivered

    Alternatively, you might want to enjoy home-delivered meals during this special time. Look for tasty delivery services – there’s a huge choice available today.

  • Enjoy your time as a couple

    Once the baby arrives, your life and that of your partner will change completely. Make the most of your final weeks as a couple – go to the cinema or theatre, enjoy a weekend away in a hotel or eat in restaurants.

Sanitas Customer benefits

Our maternity services offer support and advice all the way from planning a family to your child’s first birthday. Simply complete and submit the online form. We’ll take care of the rest.

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