Tips for your heart

Eat a healthy diet, smoke less or simply relax: Here you will find selected tips for heart health.

Text: Ruth Jahn

Images: Peter Conlan / Unsplash

2 min


Quit smoking: focus on the positive

Fed up with poorly ventilated rooms, passive smoking or your own tobacco addiction? Discover the quality of fresh, smoke-free air! Enjoy taking a deep breath. On a walk in the woods, in a ventilated bedroom, in a steam bath, at work - everywhere. And if you (still) indulge in cigarettes: Instead of banning nicotine as something you love, why not enjoy the anticipation that you will soon feel better and full of energy once you have kicked the habit?

Reduced weight: less is more

Losing weight is medicine for the heart. By switching to a healthy diet, you will probably lose a few kilos as if by magic. For example, a Mediterranean or Asian diet with less meat, animal fats and salt, but more fruit, cereals, vegetables, fish and nuts. The bad news is that Most obesity sufferers have to cut back on the amount of food they eat in order to completely thin out their abdominal fat.

Let go of stress: many paths lead to a resting heart rate

Let your mind wander with the help of progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training, mindfulness training or meditation. Or listen to music. Johann Sebastian Bach has been proven to relieve pulse and blood pressure after just ten seconds. Your own favorite music is also guaranteed to have a positive effect on your heart. It's best to take them with you on your next jog or strength training session. According to studies, beautiful sounds have the greatest anti-stress effect on the heart during physical training.

And in the workplace?

  • Instead of writing an email to office colleagues, it's better to go in person.
  • Extend the distance to the printer artificially or do not store files that you need frequently within easy reach. So you move more.
  • Use an app or an electronic memo to remind you to get up from your office chair regularly.
  • √ Take the stairs instead of the lift
  • Print out instructions for short movement exercises and regularly take a few minutes to do gymnastics while sitting.
  • Hold smaller meetings at a high table.
  • Meet up with friends for a short walk over lunch.
  • Give your usual canteen menu a health check - and try out alternatives if necessary.
  • Make calls while standing or walking.
  • Stay relaxed: The more is expected of you, the more composure is required.
  • Take the pressure off yourself: You don't have to do all the work at once, nor do you have to do it all yourself.
  • Walk or cycle at least part of the way to work.
  • Keep a set of sports clothes in the office so that you can start exercising straight after work when you feel like it.
  • Relax at the end of the day.
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