Alternative medicine

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Therapist search for alternative medicine

Find all alternative medical therapists who are recognised by Sanitas for a particular method.

Information for therapists

Please notify your registration authority of any changes to your contact details (address, email, phone number, etc.) and registered methods. The relevant authority notifies Sasis AG, who in turn provides us with the data.

Good to know

Recognised certifications:

Sanitas recognises therapists with the following certification:

For costs to be covered, the therapy methods in question must also be recognised by Sanitas. Furthermore, the conditions of the general terms of insurance and the supplementary terms as stated in the policy document apply. 

Costs covered by Sanitas

The Vital Smart and Vital Premium supplementary outpatient plans in particular include comprehensive benefits for alternative medicine. All of the methods listed in the search are recognised by Sanitas. Treatment abroad is not covered in most cases. Furthermore, the conditions of the general terms of insurance and the supplementary terms of your health insurance policy apply.


  • List of recognised therapy methods for alternative medicine (Vital)
  • List of recognised therapy methods for alternative medicine (Classic, Jump, Family, Natura)

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