Notify death
It is a difficult time when someone close to you passes away. We are sorry for your loss and will be happy to help you with the administrative aspects of health insurance.
Frequently asked questions
Who can report a death?
In principle, anyone can report a death - family members as well as friends, guardians or executors.
What documents are required for the death notification?
In addition to the notification (e.g. via the form above), we need a copy of the death certificate and the customer number of the deceased person.
If the deceased person still has credit balances with Sanitas, please send us the certificate of inheritance. This will enable us to transfer the credit balance to the new bank account.
Will overpaid premiums be refunded?
Yes, the health insurance is valid until the date of death. We will of course refund any premiums paid after this date.
Can invoices from doctors and hospitals be submitted retrospectively?
Yes, you can also submit all invoices retrospectively.
Who will be the new contact person in our family policy?
If the family insurance contact person dies, the other parent takes over. In the case of children without parents, a guardian takes over.
What happens to credit balances or direct debit bookings?
Both credit balances and direct debit bookings will be transferred to new payment details. Please provide us with the new bank details and send us a copy of the certificate of inheritance by e-mail to info@sanitas.com. We are also happy to help you on 0844 150 150.
Where does Sanitas send the post?
To the existing estate address.If this is not known, please provide us with the new contact details (jurisdiction, residential address).
How do I get access to the deceased person's digital documents?
It is not possible to access the personal Sanitas portal of the deceased person.
How do I get the tax statement?
Wait until all outstanding invoices for the deceased person have been settled before ordering the tax statement. To order the tax statement, please send us an e-mail to info@sanitas.com.
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