Avoid falls in old age
Minimise the risk of falling in old age
A fall in old age can be life-changing. Our health programme with free fall prevention advice reduces the risk.
Your benefits
9 out of 10 falls happen at home
Falls are the most common type of accident among the over-65s: almost one in three people fall every year.
Source: Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung bfu
There are many reasons for a fall in old age: health problems such as dizziness, loss of strength, poor balance or restricted mobility – but also small obstacles in the home, such as a rug or a cable in the wrong place. Such trip hazards can be easily eliminated. It’s worth it, because falls in old age can lead to lengthy recovery processes and considerable restrictions in daily life. In the worst case scenario, a fall could cost you your independence from one day to the next.
Fall prevention health programme
Do you have basic insurance with accident cover? And private or semiprivate hospital insurance? Then participation is free of charge.
How does the programme work?
The fall prevention programme is offered in collaboration with Rheumaliga Schweiz (Swiss rheumatism league). A specially trained physiotherapist will visit you at home for the consultation.
Questions about fall prevention?
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