The premium subsidy or health insurance subsidy provides financial support for basic insurance premiums. It provides relief for people with low incomes and assets.
Individuals, couples and families whose annual income and assets fall below a specific threshold are entitled to a premium subsidy. The cantons regulate premium subsidies. Many cantons inform those entitled to a subsidy directly, while in others there is an obligation to apply. Find out more below.
For young adults, general rules apply: During a first course of study, they receive a premium subsidy until the end of their education. Young adults aged 18 and over are subject to their own tax factors, even if they live with their parents.
The individual premium subsidy is based on your net income, marital status and number of children. The factors used for the calculation differ depending on your canton of residence.
We recommend that you get in touch with the authority in your canton or municipality of residence to discuss the procedure. You can find a list of the responsible cantonal authorities here.
The federal government provides the cantons with an amount for health insurance premium subsidies.
The individual premium subsidy for health insurance is calculated on the basis of a person’s net income, assets declared in the tax statement, marital status and number of children.
Individuals, couples and families whose annual income and assets fall below a specific threshold are entitled to a premium subsidy. The cantons regulate premium subsidies. Many cantons inform those entitled to a subsidy directly, while in others there is an obligation to apply. Find out more below.
For young adults, general rules apply: For initial training, they receive a premium subsidy until the end of their education. Young adults aged 18 and over are subject to their own tax factors, even if they live with their parents.
In most cantons, subsidies are granted automatically based on the tax assessment. However, in some cantons you have to submit an application to the responsible authority. In most cases, applications must be received by a specific deadline. We recommend that you get in touch with the responsible authority in your canton or municipality of residence in good time to discuss the procedure.
You can find a list of the responsible cantonal authorities here.