Basic: our standard model

With free choice of doctor

Free choice of doctor model: Basic

Basic is our standard model for basic insurance. You choose your own doctor or go directly to a specialist.

Key benefits

Free choice of doctor

You can always choose who to contact when you need medical advice. Throughout Switzerland.

Phone consultation

Not sure if you should go to the doctor? Get free medical advice around the clock with Medgate.

Straight to a specialist

Go to a specialist of your choice without referral. 

Who is the free choice of doctor model suitable for?

You can be sure of straightforward and flexible cover with Basic thanks to the free choice of doctor. This model is a great choice for all those who value individual freedom of choice.

How the free choice of doctor works

At the doctor

If you need medical advice, you can go directly to a family doctor or a specialist of your choice. Or call Medgate for free advice. 

In hospital

For a hospital stay, choose the general ward and a recognised clinic on the cantonal hospital list. Cost coverage is then unlimited in terms of amount and duration.

Overview of benefits

All the basic insurance models offer the same benefits. We reimburse you for the following benefits from the free choice of doctor model after the statutory cost shares (deductible, copayment, hospital cost contribution) have been deducted.

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  • No value present

The amounts listed are for maximum benefits and, unless specified otherwise, are valid for each calendar year. Benefits are granted only in accordance with the Swiss Federal Health Insurance Act (KVG/LAMal) and the corresponding ordinances, and the general terms of insurance and applicable supplementary terms issued by Sanitas. 


  • Free choice of doctor product sheet
  • General terms of insurance for all basic insurance plans

Frequently asked questions

  • What is meant by free choice of doctor?

    With the standard free choice of doctor model, you can decide who to contact for medical treatment. You choose your own doctor or specialist anywhere in Switzerland.

  • What is a standard model?

    Basic health insurance is mandatory for all persons resident in Switzerland. The benefits provided under basic insurance are regulated by law. With the Basic standard model, you receive the full freedom to choose, but no premium discount. This is different with alternative basic insurance models, where the freedom to choose is restricted, but the premiums are more attractive.

  • Do I have a free choice of doctor in hospital?

    No. Every basic insurance only covers the cost of hospital stays in your canton of residence in a multi-bed room. If you also want a free choice of doctors in hospital, you need supplementary hospital insurance.

  • How can I save money on premiums with the free choice of doctor model?

    Switzerland has one of the best healthcare systems in the world – but that comes at a price. You can save money on your premium, for example, by changing the deductible to meet your needs. Want to know more? We’ve put together this and other tips on how to save money on health insurance.