Costs covered

for preventive check-ups

Preventive care: costs covered by Sanitas

Preventive care helps detect diseases at an early stage, which is why basic insurance covers the cost of certain check-ups. Supplementary insurance plans offer even more benefits.

Annual check-up with the gynaecologist

Basic insurance pays every 3 years. You need supplementary insurance to cover the cost of other checks. 

Tick vaccine

You live in a risk area? Then basic insurance pays. Otherwise, it pays to have supplementary insurance.


From the age of 50, basic insurance covers the cost of bowel and breast cancer screening. Additional check-ups are covered by supplementary insurance. 

Cost share for gynaecological check-ups

Basic insurance pays every three years. In the interim years, our supplementary insurance plans cover the costs of a check-up at the gynaecologist.

  • What costs are covered under basic insurance?

    Basic insurance covers the cost of a gynaecological check-up including a cancer smear test every three years. 

    Women aged 50 and over are also covered by basic insurance for a screening mammogram every two years for the early detection of breast cancer. The deductible is not applied.

    Good to know: Basic insurance does not cover the costs of detecting the human papillomavirus during cervical screening. 

  • What costs are covered by supplementary insurance?

    Our supplementary insurance plans cover the costs of an annual check-up with a gynaecologist in the years in which basic insurance does not pay. 

    • Jump*: 80% of costs, max. CHF 500
    • Classic*: 80% of costs, max. CHF 1,000
    • Family*: 80% of costs, maximum amount as per benefit account

    * The Jump, Classic and Family supplementary insurance plans can no longer be taken out. Existing customers continue to enjoy the usual benefits.

    The amounts stated apply to all areas of preventive medical care, not just the annual gynaecological check-up.


Cost share for vaccinations and vaccination advice

Basic insurance pays for vaccinations that prevent illness. Need a vaccination for a trip abroad? This is where supplementary insurance comes in.

  • What costs are covered under basic insurance?

    Basic insurance pays for vaccinations that prevent illness. You can find out which these are and what conditions apply here

    Flu jab

    Cervical cancer: Human papillomavirus (HPV)

    • As a primary vaccination for girls aged 11 to 15 years
    • As a catch-up vaccination for girls aged 15 to 19 years
    • As a supplementary vaccination for women aged 20 to 26 years and boys/men aged 11 to 27 years 

    For details, see the Health Insurance Benefits Ordinance

    Hepatitis B vaccination

    • As a primary vaccination, preferably for infants or unvaccinated adolescents (aged 11 to 15 years)
    • As a catch-up vaccination for unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated adolescents aged 16 and over and adults (at any age, unless there is no risk of infection)
    • For people with an increased risk of complications, infection or transmission
    • See the Swiss vaccination schedule 2024

    Basic insurance does not cover the costs if the reason for the vaccination is travel or work.

    Ticks: tick-borne encephalitis (TBE)

    • Basic insurance covers the costs of the TBE vaccination for people who live or spend time in a risk area. The whole of Switzerland is classified as a risk area, with the exception of the cantons of Geneva and Ticino. 

    For people employed in a high-risk job, e.g. foresters, employers have to cover the costs.

  • What costs are covered by supplementary insurance?

    Our supplementary insurance plans pay additional costs for vaccinations and vaccination advice not covered under basic insurance. The consultations and vaccinations must be provided by medically trained specialists, such as pharmacists or doctors.

    • Vital Basic: 80% of costs, max. CHF 500 per calendar year
    • Vital Smart: 80% of costs, max. CHF 1,000 per calendar year
    • Vital Premium: 80% of costs, max. CHF 1,500 per calendar year


    • Jump*: 80% of costs, max. CHF 500
    • Classic*: 80% of costs, max. CHF 1,000
    • Family*: 80% of costs, maximum amount as per benefit account

    * The Jump, Classic and Family supplementary insurance plans can no longer be taken out. Existing customers continue to enjoy the usual benefits.


    The amounts stated apply to all areas of preventive medical care, not just vaccinations. Jump, Classic and Family do not cover the cost of vaccination advice.


Cost share for check-ups

Basic insurance covers the cost of check-ups that are medically necessary. In all other cases, supplementary insurance covers the costs.

  • What costs are covered under basic insurance?

    Basic insurance does not cover the costs of general medical check-ups that are not medically necessary. Screening examinations, e.g. for bowel or breast cancer, are covered under certain conditions.

  • What costs are covered by supplementary insurance?

    Our supplementary insurance plans contribute to the costs of medical check-ups, e.g. laboratory tests or pulmonary function tests, if they are carried out by medical specialists.

    • Vital Basic: No contribution
    • Vital Smart: 80% of costs, max. CHF 1,000 per calendar year
    • Vital Premium: 80% of costs, max. CHF 1,500 per calendar year – also for self-tests, cataract prevention clinic and online mole checks
    • Jump*: 80% of costs, max. CHF 500
    • Classic*: 80% of costs, max. CHF 1,000
    • Family*: 80% of costs, maximum amount as per benefit account

    * The Jump, Classic and Family supplementary insurance plans can no longer be taken out. Existing customers continue to enjoy the usual benefits.

    The amounts stated apply to all areas of preventive medical care, not just check-ups.

Cost share for cancer screening

From a certain age, basic insurance pays for bowel and breast cancer examinations. Supplementary insurance plans offer more benefits.

  • What costs are covered under basic insurance?

    Bowel cancer screening

    For people between the age of 50 and 69, basic insurance covers the cost of check-ups for the early detection of bowel cancer. 

    • Stool screening every 2 years
    • Colonoscopy every 10 years or if the stool sample is positive

    Breast cancer screening

    In cantons with a breast screening programme, women over the age of 50 have access to check-ups. 

    • Mammogram every 2 years
    • The deductible is waived in cantons with an early detection programme.

    Skin cancer screening

    If there is a family history of a high risk of skin cancer, basic insurance will cover the cost of the screening.

    The deductible is waived in cantons with an early detection programme.


  • What costs are covered by supplementary insurance?

    Our supplementary insurance plans cover cancer screening examinations that are not included under basic insurance and where there is no suspicion of cancer, for example breast, bowel, skin or prostate cancer. The examinations must be conducted by medical professionals.

    • Jump*: 80% of costs, max. CHF 500
    • Classic*: 80% of costs, max. CHF 1,000
    • Family*: 80% of costs, maximum amount as per benefit account

    * The Jump, Classic and Family supplementary insurance plans can no longer be taken out. Existing customers continue to enjoy the usual benefits.

    The amounts stated apply to all areas of preventive medical care, not just cancer screening.

What costs does Sanitas cover?

The Cover Check in the Sanitas Portal shows you at the click of a button which costs are covered by Sanitas.



  • List of health promotion measures
  • List of health promotion measures (Jump, Classic, Family)