Because we care about the environment

The environment influences our individual health – it can make us sick, but also make us healthy. As a health partner, Sanitas believes it is only natural to be actively involved in climate protection.

Sustainability and climate protection
Swiss Climate Foundation

Since 2010, Sanitas has made a contribution to climate protection as a partner of the Swiss Climate Foundation. The Swiss Climate Foundation is a non-profit foundation and is under federal supervision.

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Sustainability and climate protection
Consumption of resources

We want to reduce our environmental footprint in a way that is sustainable. Sanitas is helping to curb climate change by implementing an energy-efficient infrastructure.

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Sustainability and climate protection
Sustainable investments

Sanitas sets great store by sustainability. Our capital investments play an important role here. That’s why we pursues a sustainable investment strategy.

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Annual report 2023
Positive result, increasing customer numbers

Read how Sanitas fared in the past financial year, why we achieved a good result and what’s in our sustainability report.

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