The best possible

care in hospital

Supplementary hospital insurance for every need

If you want more comfort in hospital and access to senior doctors and leading experts, choose a supplementary hospital insurance plan.

Good to know

Better recovery

More privacy and peace and quiet in a single or two-bed room.

More options

More freedom in the choice of hospitals and medical professionals.

Excellent support

More assistance with the organisation of hospital stays thanks to a personal contact.

Who is supplementary hospital insurance suitable for?

Supplementary hospital insurance plans are an excellent addition to basic insurance for those who want to feel they are in the best of hands and opt for more comfort, security and the best possible medical care during and after their hospital stay.

The right cover for inpatient treatment

Man in hospital

What is inpatient treatment? The patient spends at least one night in hospital – before or after the procedure. The following supplementary hospital insurance plans give you comprehensive cover and you enjoy numerous benefits.

  • Hospital Standard Liberty: free choice of hospitals on the general ward
  • Hospital Extra Liberty: free choice of doctors and hospitals on the semiprivate ward
  • Hospital Top Liberty: free choice of doctors and hospitals on the private ward
  • Accident Extra Liberty: Accident insurance for the semiprivate ward
  • Accident Top Liberty: Accident insurance for the private ward

The right cover for outpatient treatment

Man in hospital

With outpatient treatment, you go into hospital, receive treatment and go home – all on the same day. The senior physician decides whether a procedure is performed on an outpatient or inpatient basis. There is a clear trend towards outpatient procedures. With Hospital Day Comfort, you benefit from high-end medical care and comfort.

The best conditions for a successful recovery

Faster access to specialists

A good recovery depends primarily on the medical treatment and care you receive. But with Hospital Extra Liberty or Hospital Top Liberty you also get access to Sanitas’ Priority Access service. For example, you can get an appointment with a specialist more quickly or receive support in obtaining a second medical opinion.

Free choice of hospitals

You choose the Sanitas partner hospital in which you want to be treated and whether you are treated by senior doctors and affiliated doctors. This strengthens your confidence in the treatment process.

Support after surgery

After the operation, you recover in peace in a single or two-bed room. And when you are discharged from hospital, you can take it easy thanks to our contributions towards home help. Throughout the entire course of treatment, you also have access to a personal advisor who always wants to ensure the best possible treatment and recovery.

Unsure which supplementary insurance plan is right for you?

Frequently asked questions

  • What hospital costs are covered by basic health insurance?

    Basic insurance covers the cost of hospitalisation and treatment on the general ward of a hospital in your canton of residence or in a hospital on the cantonal hospital list (minus deductible and copayment). For an inpatient stay, you will be charged an additional CHF 15 per day for accommodation and board in accordance with the Health Insurance Act.

  • Are supplementary hospital insurance plans worthwhile?

    Hospital insurance plans cover many costs not included under basic insurance. You also have a free choice of hospitals (either within Switzerland or worldwide depending on the plan you choose) and doctors, a single or two-bed room, cost coverage for innovative procedures, aids and implants, and support for household chores and home care. All the benefits can be found in the overview of benefits or the supplementary terms of the applicable supplementary insurance plan.

  • How do I terminate my supplementary insurance and switch to Sanitas?

    Important: don’t terminate your current supplementary insurance until you have confirmation of admission to your new Sanitas insurance plan. Deadlines for termination vary depending on the health insurer. Please check the exact deadlines with your health insurance company. The termination must be made in writing.

  • My health insurer has adjusted the premium of my supplementary insurance. Can I terminate my insurance outside the regular notice periods?

    If the health insurance company increases or decreases the premium of your supplementary insurance, the notice period will be adjusted. You can then terminate your plan, for example, to the end of the year or within one month from the date of notification. Please check the exact deadlines with your health insurance company.

  • Why do I have to answer health questions?

    All insurance companies want to know what risk they are taking on when they accept an insurance application: Has the applicant listed many, few or no health problems when answering the health questions? Health insurers use the information provided to decide whether and under what conditions to accept the insurance application.