7–10% premium discount

Your family doctor on hand to help

Family doctor model:

Excellent care: With the CareMed family doctor model, your family doctor is always your first point of contact.

Key benefits

Great care from family doctor

Your family doctor knows you and your medical history and coordinates the treatment

Cover abroad

Basic insurance covers a share of the costs for emergency treatment worldwide

Save money on premiums

You receive a premium discount of between 7% and 10% compared to the Basic standard model.

Who is the family doctor model suitable for?

CareMed is ideal for anyone who wants a trusted doctor at their side who knows them and their medical history. In return you get an attractive discount on your premium.

How the family doctor model works

Step 1

Choose a family doctor so that you can take out the CareMed basic insurance model.

Step 2

If you are ill or require medical advice, always contact your family doctor first. If your family doctor is on holiday, contact their deputy.

Step 3

If necessary, your family doctor will refer you to a specialist and coordinate further treatment.

In hospital

For a hospital stay, choose the general ward and a recognised clinic on the cantonal hospital list. Cost coverage is then unlimited in terms of amount and duration.

In an emergency

In an emergency, you do not have to go to your family doctor first, but can go directly to an emergency doctor or to the emergency room of a hospital. Your family doctor will take care of any follow-up treatment and check-ups.


In the following cases, you don't have to go to your family doctor first: check-ups by a gynaecologist, examinations during pregnancy, including childbirth, eye tests and visits to the dentist.

Overview of benefits

All the basic insurance models offer the same benefits. We reimburse you for the following benefits under the family doctor model after the statutory cost shares (deductible, copayment, hospital cost contribution) have been deducted.


Basic health insurance

Outpatient treatment
Outpatient treatment

Treatment by doctors and chiropractors as well as medically prescribed therapies provided by other medical professionals

EU/EFTA (in emergencies)

Treatment as per bilateral agreements on free movement of persons

Other countries (in emergencies)

Up to max. of double the costs paid under the tariff for place of residence or place of work

Alternative medicine

If administered by medical doctors: acupuncture, anthroposophical medicine, homoeopathy, phytotherapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in accordance with the statutory provisions

Medical aids

Medical aids as per list of aids and equipment (MiGeL)

Drugs / medicines

Medicines/drugs as per the Department of Health’s list of pharmaceutical specialities.

Preventive / prophylactic measures

Preventive measures, e.g. well-child check-ups, gynaecological check-ups (every 3 years), specific vaccinations


Check-ups by doctors or midwives, CHF 150 for antenatal course, breastfeeding advice


Treatment by medical doctors

Glasses / contact lenses
Up to age 18

CHF 180.–

Spa treatments
Spa treatments in Switzerland

CHF 10 per day, max. 21 days, at accredited spas in Switzerland

Transport / rescue

50%, max. CHF 500.–


50%, max. CHF 5000.–

Inpatient treatment

General ward in hospitals on official list, up to tariff for canton of residence

EU/EFTA (in emergencies)

Accommodation, nursing care and treatment as per bilateral agreements on the free movement of persons

Other countries (in emergencies)

Up to a maximum of double the costs paid under the tariff for the canton of residence

The amounts listed are for maximum benefits and, unless specified otherwise, are valid for each calendar year. Benefits are granted only in accordance with the Swiss Federal Health Insurance Act (KVG/LAMal) and the corresponding ordinances, and the general terms of insurance and applicable supplementary terms issued by Sanitas. 


  • Alternative insurance models product sheet
  • General terms of insurance for all basic insurance plans

Frequently asked questions

  • What do I have to do in an emergency?

    In an emergency, you can go directly to an emergency doctor or to the emergency room of a hospital. Your family doctor will take care of any follow-up treatment and check-ups.

    In case of minor emergencies, it is advisable to contact your family doctor first. If they are not available, go to an emergency doctor.

  • Family doctor model: Is my family doctor recognised in the list of doctors?

    In just a few clicks, our doctor locator shows you all doctors, medical practices and health centres that are compatible with our basic insurance models and which are accepting patients.

  • Can I go straight to an ophthalmologist without a referral?

    You do not need a referral from your family doctor for regular eye check-ups. You can make an appointment directly with your ophthalmologist.

  • What should I do if I would like to consult a specialist?

    Contact your family doctor. They will first examine you and initiate the necessary treatments. If you need to see a specialist, your family doctor will refer you to them.

  • What happens if I do not go to my family doctor?

    If you go to a specialist without seeing your family doctor first, you will receive a reminder. If this happens a second time, you will be transferred to the Basic insurance model.

  • Why is a range given for the premium discount?

    The specified range for the premium discount (family doctor model: 7% to 10%) takes the different premium regions into account. How much you save depends on where you live.