Flat-hunting: key factors
What appears to be a dream apartment during the viewing may turn out to be a nightmare once you move in. You should pay attention to these criteria.

Sometimes you need to throw caution to the wind and just dive in, but at other times it’s good to be prepared. If you just move into any old apartment or shared flat, you may be in for some nasty surprises. For example, the traffic noise may be so bad that you feel like a tram is rolling through your bedroom. Or you find out that a shared flat is really not for you. To make sure that important points don’t get forgotten in the excitement of viewing a flat, you first need to be clear about what you want.
Shared flat or studio?
Do you want to share a flat or would you prefer to live alone? If you have to keep an eye on your budget, a shared flat is the cheaper option. Not only is the rent divided by the number of people sharing the flat, but fixed costs such as Internet, electricity and heating are also shared. Another plus point is that you’re rarely alone in a shared flat. Especially if you’re new to a city, it’s easier to make friends this way. Ideally, all flatmates should have a similar daily schedule and the same ideas about living together, for example when it comes to cleanliness. Otherwise conflict is inevitable. A shared flat is less suitable for people who like to have their own space.
Town or country?
The advantage of living in the country or in the suburbs is that the rent is often cheaper than in the city. It’s also quieter and pets are happy to have some open space to run about in. However, it’s a longer commute to work or college. And spontaneous trips to the cinema or getting home quickly and safely after a night out may be impossible. So if you want to enjoy the nightlife and take advantage of the cultural activities on offer, it’s better to accept the higher rents and background noise of a city flat.
What’s the neighbourhood like?
Although cheaper rent may be tempting, make sure to take a closer look at the neighbourhood and surrounding streets before you move in. Is the flat in a safe area or right in the middle of the red light district? Does the supposedly quiet location turn into party central in the evening – with noise throughout the night and unpleasant smells in the morning? Or are there no nice cafés or shopping facilities nearby?
Criteria for flat-hunting
- What is your budget? You should spend no more than a third of your total income on rent. Set an upper limit when you start your search.
- Do you need a lot of peace and quiet and privacy or do you quickly feel alone?
- If you have pets: Are they allowed in the flat? Is your potential flatmate allergic to animal hair?
- Do you have sports equipment that takes up a lot of space? If so: Is there a safe, dry and easily accessible place where you can store bikes, snowboards, skis or surfboards?
- How far away is the nearest stop for public transport? - What are the nearest shopping facilities?
- How long is your journey to work or university? How far are you prepared to commute?
- If you have a car: Is there plenty of public parking nearby or the option to rent a parking space?
- Are you sensitive to noise? Check whether the main road in front of the flat is noisy during rush hour, whether the tram screeches past every ten minutes or whether the flat is located on a flight path.
- Is the flat above a restaurant or snack bar? If so, you must be able to handle unpleasant smells.