You’re so selfish! Nobody wants to hear this reprimand. But sometimes it’s important to have the courage to say no and look after yourself.
3 min
There are medicines that are not medicines and yet work. Conversely, the mere knowledge of possible side effects sometimes makes people ill.
4 min
Sport ist wichtig für einen starken, gesunden Körper. Aber nicht nur: Auch unser psychisches Wohlbefinden profitiert von regelmässiger Bewegung
“If you only want to be better than the others, you won’t experience joy or social cohesion.”
Jörg Wetzel, Sports psychologist
Anxiety disorders are widespread. Can professional online programmes help? Professor Thomas Berger believes they can be an effective form of therapy.
2 min
Breathe deeply, relax and switch off. You don’t have to queue at the pharmacy for these anti-anxiety prescriptions.
5 min