4 min
How to ease earache
Acne: 7 tips against bad skin
Cystitis: These home remedies are good for you
Seven tips to help against snoring
A scratchy throat or discomfort when swallowing: We’ve found a few home remedies to help.
2 min
Bei Heiserkeit gilt das Sprichwort: Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist Gold. 5 Hausmittel gegen Heiserkeit, die die Stimme unterstützen.
Home remedies for migraines
10 tips for scar care
Get rid of calluses: Three home remedies for soft feet
Be done with dandruff!
But not everyone can enjoy the sun’s rays. They sometimes trigger a skin reaction, especially in women, young people and fair-skinned people.
Acid reflux or ‘heartburn’ – that burning feeling in the stomach and oesophagus – might be unpleasant, but in most cases it’s harmless. Find out which home remedies can help and when you should consult a doctor.
1 min
Wechseljahre: 5 Hausmittel gegen Beschwerden
Simple remedies for wasp stings – try these for yourself
Hit by the stomach flu! What can you do?
Dizzy, unwell, listless? low blood pressure is often the cause. 5 home remedies to get your circulation going again.
Sweating is a perfectly normal human reaction and an extremely clever body mechanism. Despite everything, it bothers some people – home remedies can help.