4 min
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Relaxing with Jacobson
Mountain biking tips for beginners
Laufpremiere in Sarnen
Running school
Mehr Kraft, mehr Leistung
Forest is designed to help you focus and reduce phone usage. The app's USP is that it plants real trees! How does it work?
1 min
The Sanitas running coaching participants, Nicole Abgottspon and Christoph Banik, kick off their running adventure with a clearly defined training plan.
2 min
Confused? Overview of yoga styles
Relaxing with the blackroll
Pole dancing
Strength training for teens
That Rocky feeling: box yourself fit
“After 30 sessions you’ll have a new body.”
Joseph Hubert Pilates, Physical trainer and founder of the Pilates method
There are many types of yoga that all have different points of focus. What lies behind the exotic-sounding names?
3 min
5 yoga exercises to do at your desk
Exercises against back pain
Balance exercises for the elderly
Stretching properly
Relieve neck tension
Our bodies aren’t designed to sit still all day. Studies confirm that people who exercise at work are happier, more stress-resistant, healthier and more efficient.
“The decisive factor is not the length of the workout, but the intensity.”
Martina Stucki, Fitness instructor Zone4Performance
How much sport should you do a week?
Sports for a healthy heart
Exercising with a cold: to do or not to do?
Side stitch: why it happens and how to get rid of it
Rest and recovery after sport: what is important
Sore muscles after sport can affect professionals and beginners alike. Learn how to prevent or ease aching muscles with a few tips and tricks.
If you do sport, you’re more than likely familiar with the sharp pain in your side. What causes a stitch? And how do you prevent or get rid of it?